Sustainable Fashion Ted Talks Worth Watching
Lately I have been on the hunt for some sustainable fashion Ted Talks. After combing the archives I found 6 binge worthy sustainable fashion Ted Talks.
1.Eva Kruse: Changing the World Through Fashion
“..ultimately, actually helping the industry earn more money by making you all want something new. A new color, a cut, or a new fit because that’s the nature of the business. And that’s creating jobs. It’s a good thing. It’s creating jobs all around the world from the cotton farmer to the shop assistant. However, lately building the industry and making it make more money is not all I have been doing because there is a flip side to it all. The fashion industry is also one of the worlds most polluting industries.” Eva Kruse
2. Clara Vuletich: How to Engage with Ethical Fashion
“The good news is I believe things are changing for the better. We are currently in a transition to a new type of fashion industry based on ecological and holistic principles – of closing the loop on materials. That prioritizes community, values and respect of all the people in the supply chain.” Clara Vuletich
3. Andras Forgacs: Leather and Meat without Killing Animals
“What’s crazy is what we do today. I’m convinced that in 30 years, when we look back on today and on how we raise and slaughter billions of animals to make our hamburgers and our handbags, we’ll see this as being wasteful and indeed crazy.” Andras Forgas
4. Lucy Siegle: The Wardrobe to Die For
“We’re all a nation of fashion addicts. That’s how we’ve become and that’s been enabled really over the last 20 years by a phenomenon known as fast fashion.” Lucy Siegle
5. Christine Dean: You Are What You Wear
“You have an incredible power to reduce the pollution in the fashion industry.” Christine Dean
6. Maxine Bédat: The High Cost of Cheap Fashion
“In the 1960’s the average American invested in 25 new pieces of clothing every year. A generation later, today and we purchase 3x as much clothing as we did in the sixties.” Maxine Bédat
Hope you enjoyed these sustainable fashion Ted Talks as much as I did. Make sure to leave a comment and let me know which one was your favorite!
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