Traveling the World With My Made in Box

Traveling the World With My Made in Box


Admittedly I haven’t done a lot of traveling lately. Sometimes life has a funny way of changing direction and as you know I’ve fully emerged myself into farming this year. But that doesn’t mean I don’t miss it. In fact, not a day goes by that I’m not planning a trip someplace. I’m hoping sooner rather than later I’ll earn the “Traveler” bit back to World Threads. In the meantime, I’ve been enjoying discovering new brands which let me travel the world from the comforts of my own home. My Made in Box is just one of those companies.

Traveling the World with My Made in Box

*This post is sponsored by My Made in Box. All opinions, styling, and feedback are my own and in no way influenced by the company. You know my policy: If I like your brand, believe you are working towards authentic sustainable practices, and actually enjoy your products then I will help to raise brand awareness. If not, we don’t work together.

When it comes to subscription boxes, My Made in Box has made exploring the world a bi-monthly intrigue. Every other month participants receive a box that focuses on one specific country. Each box is curated to include pieces you’ll not only love but the carries with it the stories of those who handcrafted each item.

Traveling the World with My Made in Box

At the beginning of this month I was so happy to receive the Mauritius box which includes a beautifully versatile eco-friendly clutch, a charm necklace, shell bracelet/anklet, handcrafted soap, and creole postcard. One of the things I adore most about My Made in Box are the items versatility and range. Too many boxes stick to one particular genre i.e. clothing, jewelry, books, skincare, etc. By focusing on the country instead of particular items My Made in Box has allowed for discovery that surpasses what one genre could hope to convey. This in turn allows for the discovery of artisans and embraces the unique offerings found there as if you were actually walking around the local market.

Traveling the World with My Made in Box
Traveling the World with My Made in Box

My Made in Box goes beyond the surface providing detailed artisan profiles for each box. No two pieces are the same, evident of the artisan’s personalities and creative inspiration. Natasha from Tao Craft who designs the charm necklace you’ll find in the Mauritius box “wanted to craft something special to someone to wish her best of luck in her new journey and this is how I came up with the design of the Minimalist Gemstone Necklace. I would then choose the type of gemstones and the colours, I love to keep my designs minimalist, dainty, easy to wear at all times.”

Traveling the World with My Made in Box

In addition to supporting local artisans My Made in Box provides cruelty free and natural handmade products allowing eco advocates to rest comfortably knowing they have received only the best products that support the local economy, give local artisans a wider market reach, and help protect the environment.

Traveling the World with My Made in Box

To learn more about My Made in Box, their different subscription plans, and to order yours check out their site: My Made in Box


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